Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Abstract

Thanks to PA for the Abstract challenge.

Voila – MB’s offering:


On first impressions, the above small section of a vaulted church ceiling seems abstract in appearance. On closer inspection, one sees the remains of religious murals, mostly long disappeared by the vigors and passage of time. MB took the above shot in July 2019 during a visit to the Selexyz Dominican Bookstore in Maastricht, Holland, easily the most beautiful bookstore that MB has ever visited.

The church was built by the Dominican Order in 1294. All went swimmingly for exactly 500 years until French Emperor Napolian invaded in 1794 and expelled the Dominicans from the country. Since then, the church has served as a parish church, a warehouse, and an archive. In 2007 some bright spark had the great idea to turn the building into the stunning bookshop that we see today.

One can make out a coffee shop in the area of the former church altar area (if one has a magnifying glass!) in MB’s below pic. MB tasted its wares on his visit and can recommend it highly. What better way to enjoy a freshly-smelling new book than sitting in an old church altar, drinking tasty coffee and munching delicious fresh pastries?! Absolutely none, if MB can answer his own question!


Sunday Shot – No Comment

MB will henceforth give a regular ‘Sunday Shot’ to followers, which will be slightly abstract in nature. He will say no more.


Weekly Photo Challenge – Abstract


A brilliant abstract shot of a grassy hill by MB – from which you can extract 4 swans (if you have nothing better to do).


The 4 Swan Extract/Abstract (by MB)