Change can happen in Saudi Arabia

A little ray of light from a region where it’s much required. Congrats to all who laboured hard and suffered much to get there.

Saudiwoman's Weblog

(CNN) A couple of hours before the news broke that the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia was finally being lifted, rumors had circulated that a decree on a women’s issue was coming.

I suspected it could be about the driving ban, but after years of campaigning to no success, I had nearly lost hope in it ever happening.

For the past few of weeks, friends of mine have been planning parties in Jeddah, Riyadh, and Dammam to commemorate 27 years since the first protest against the ban. Since November 6, 1990, Saudi men and women have paid hefty prices for voicing their opposition to the ban on women driving in our country.

The unnecessary sacrifices of so many people crossed my mind as I read the tweets issued by the Saudi Press Agency announcing that the ban had been lifted.

The manner in which the ban was lifted…

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3 Comments on “Change can happen in Saudi Arabia

  1. I am simply stumped by this decision
    There has never been a car crash in Saudi Arabia and now there will be hundreds daily!!!
    Don’t they realise that, according to a senior Saudi cleric, that when women drive it can affect their unborn babies.
    Women; kids; elderly; senile; people in their immature 20’s; people on their over-mature 30s; people in their life starts at 40s; people over 60 – all of these groups should never drive.
    Men between 50 and 60 only – then global pollution will clean up and traffic a thing of the past.
    You have to start somewhere with change


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